Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mobile Broadband Services

A question many of us have probably been asked to answer what with telemarketers and ad campaigns boasting this amazing new service. But if you’ve already got wireless Internet is it really worth switching over to mobile broadband? Here are a few things to consider:

What do you use your laptop for? Do you really need to access the Internet when you’re not at home or in the work place? Will you really use the service? Many of us already have wireless access at home and often everywhere you work these days also has Internet access. Consider if you would really benefit by being able to take your laptop anywhere you want. If you’re a business person who travels and requires email access anywhere at any time then mobile broadband might be the perfect solution!

What about price? If you’ve already decided you might be interested in mobile Internet access then compare how much mobile broadband would costs versus what you already pay. In some cases the USB stick may cost upwards of $100. Unless they’re giving it away for free, see how the cost comparison stacks up before you make the switch including the download limit and speed the company is offering.

Another important factor to consider is if you already spent the $400 on an iPhone or PDA that you already pay to access the Internet with? Will the phone provide you enough access for what you need or will you need more?

In these tough times it’s important to be considerate of our costs and needs…so always do a bit of homework! It will always pay off and benefit you in the end!

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