Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Anybody who gets a signal on their mobile phone in their home, is in the vicinity of a mobile phone base tower. How close are you to the base station? The answer to this question will likely impact your family’s health, especially if you live within 400 meters of a base station.

A German study published in 2004 titled ‘The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer’, showed a 3 times higher risk of developing cancer for people who lived within 400 meters of a cell phone tower for a period of five years.A similar Spanish study found that people living in the close vicinity of a cell phone tower had the following health problems :
Depression increased by up to 64-fold.
Fatigue increased by up to 37-fold.
Appetite Loss increased by up to 25-fold.

Those health effects apply to adults, children can be expected to have even more severe health issues due to the increased absorption of the same radiation levels.

The health impact of RF radiation needs more research. In my opinion, one of the reasons that this is not happing is the enormous economical value that is associated with mobile communication industry and the connectivity it provides. However, both brain cancer and leukemia have been associated with microwave radiation [4][5][6]. Keeping this and the explosive growth of mobile phones in mind, one wonders what the connection is between RF radiation and these cancers. According to the US Natural Resources Defence Council

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